Indian Startup Strategies To Attract Investors and Secure Funding

Indian startup strategies acquires best way to attract investors to invest their money in venture capital (VC) funding for raising money and accelerating the business expansion. Therefore, it is crucial for business owners to negotiate these rough seas and obtain capital.

For companies, attracting investors and obtaining finance can be a difficult process. However, Indian entrepreneurs can improve their chances of success by using the appropriate tactics. The CEO of a few organisations spoke with Livemint on how to draw in investors and obtain finance. Look at the tactics listed below, 

1) Shrikant Shinde, GoGoA1’s founder and CEO

The strategy to attract investors and funds changes from company to company and from investor to investor because startups are a growing culture in India that is producing a new breed of Indian entrepreneurs, according to Shinde. He added that the company needs to present a clear and sustainable business model with a strong business plan that emphasizes the unique value proposition of the organisation, which includes expansion, financial projections, advantage over competition, et cetera. 

The investor evaluation process can be sped up by following the rules and regulations and putting together thorough due diligence materials, such as financial accounts, legal contracts, intellectual property rights, and market analyses. To instill investor trust in your startup’s capacity to execute and successfully handle the sector’s hurdles, he advised assembling a qualified and experienced team with a successful track record in the field. 

Shinde asserts that one of the key tactics is to consistently adjust your company’s strategy, pitch, and approach in response to input from investors and industry professionals, taking into account investor preferences and market developments.

2) Director of Valuation and Financial Advisory at Aranca, Arun Mantena

A compelling value proposition, demonstrable traction, and open communication are the three components that the Aranca director advised Indian companies to prioritize in order to draw investors and secure investment. 

Startups can attract investor attention by providing a special value proposition and a solid team that sets them apart from rivals. Investor confidence is increased by demonstrating traction through user growth, revenue creation, or strategic alliances, according to Mantena. 

Additionally, he added, using networking opportunities and government initiatives can also help startups gain visibility and access to funding opportunities, ensuring their success in the vibrant startup ecosystem of India. Having a clear business plan and maintaining open and transparent communication channels with investors are crucial for building trust and fostering long-term relationships, he said.

3) Avsar’s CEO and founder, Navneet Singh 

According to Singh, there are various tactics that can aid an Indian business in luring investors and obtaining finance. He claimed that creating a solid business plan that specifies objectives, market potential, and growth plans is one of these tactics.

Others are working on creating a minimal viable product (MVP) to show its viability and worth. Build relationships with experts and influencers by networking at industry conferences and events. Look for government assistance in the form of grants, subsidies, and tax breaks. Utilise venture capitalists and angel investors by adapting your proposal to their areas of expertise. Create a strong online presence by using social media marketing and a business website, according to the founder of Avsar.

Along with participation in startup accelerators and incubators for mentorship and investor networks, he added that establishing traction, revenue creation, and constant growth to demonstrate market demand are also crucial.

4) Director and co-founder of, Balaji Jagannathan

“Indian startups must concentrate on creating a company that not only answers a real problem but also exhibits a clear path to profitability in order to attract investor backing. This entails thoroughly comprehending the business and the clients as well as utilising technology to increase efficiency and scale, according to Jagannathan. 

Additionally, while maintaining a sustainable growth trajectory, companies must have a clear route to exponential growth over a five-year period and gain the confidence of potential investors.