A $100 million fund for startups to resolve human health consciousness sufferings

Evolve Foundation, a non-profit fund, has raised a new $100 million fund called the Conscious Accelerator to combat loneliness, purposelessness, fear and anger spreading throughout the world though technology. Bo Shao, co-founder of Matrix Partners China, will lead the fund and will be looking for entrepreneurs focusing on tech that can help people become more present and aware. He commented that “I know a lot of very wealthy people and many are very anxious or depressed. It becomes this anxiety-inducing activity where I must think about what’s the next post I should write to get most people to like me and comment and forward. It seems that post has you trapped. Within 10 minutes, you are wondering how many people liked this, how many commented. It was so addicting.”

Shao plans to use his background as a prominent VC in a multi-billion-dollar firm to find those working on the type of technology to make us less anxious and more centered. The Conscious Accelerator has already funded a meditation app called Inside Timer. It’s also going to launch a parenting app to help parents raise their children to be resilient in an often-confusing world.