Prisma Contemplating a Platform for Itself

Prisma was amongst the most popular apps that added artistic filters to videos and photos,

becoming quite the rage this past summer. Now, Prisma is trying to to transform into more than a

regular cool filter tool, and the latest update for its Android app largely focuses on sharing that is

based on area and location.

Location Based Sharing

Prisma hopes to lay down the foundation of a walled garden entirely of its own. The new social

feature, named The Feed, shall enable users to share photos that they have edited with other Prisma

users. The interesting fact is that it is location-based, and shared photos are ordered by proximity so

that you get the closer imagery by default.

Prisma has been testing this new social feature Feed in a number of countries and the feedback has

been incredible so far. Prisma’s appeal lies in the simplicity that it offers and how it seeks to let go

some of it in order to convert into a sharing platform by registering users into a location-based


Rise to Attention

The Prisma app actually rose to popularity when the striking effects it offered caught the attention

of millions of Instagramers, as people shared their artistically unique filtered photos with the existing

networks. And though it was quite a moment for Prisma to have over 70M downloads, garnering

more than 2 million regular active users in only a few months, copy-cats also followed, which

included Facebook beginning its own style transfer features this fall.

At the same time, Prisma happens to be caught in a tough situation. If it keeps on being only a cool

artsy app, it risks becoming commonplace, as others copy its USP. However, transforming an

incredible feature into a major social networking app, which is dominated by numerous social giants

that are well-resourced also, is a daunting task.

Looking Ahead

The core idea is to encourage people to try and share their creative artworks. Via sharing a gorgeous

artistically filtered picture, users could gain a number of likes and could spread across the world as

well. The main idea is to reach as many people as possible through creativity. The resolution of

Prisma has been enhanced and doubled in order to improve the visual quality; and as far as the

latest update for the iOS app is concerned, it allows the effects to be applied to a full screen camera

along with free aspect ratio, rather than the former square-only crop format which was the top-most

request of all users.

According to the new update, the shared content shall be algorithmically pulled into a location-

based feed and will be viewable with the help of an interactive map. This way, users will be able to

browse through the shared content that are near them or popular landmarks. Though the Feed

doesn’t support video sharing at the moment, it happens to be next on Prisma’s list. Exciting things

to come, and only the future will tell what’s ahead for the art-sharing social media world.