GoDaddy launches WordPress powered websites for SMEs

One of the world’s largest cloud platform GoDaddy, has launched WordPress websites to help Indian SMEs. It features an exclusive WordPress Quick Start Wizard that simplifies the website creation process to help people get started quickly to build their website. GoDaddy WordPress Websites are designed to help small business owners, individuals, and web professionals easily convert their ideas online into a professional looking website with high-quality images and choices of templates.

“Getting a website up-and-running is a crucial task for a small business owner and we are focused on helping small business owners and those who support them, with flexible and affordable solutions,” said Andrew Low Ah Kee, Executive Vice President, GoDaddy International. “Adding WordPress Websites to our portfolio helps provide a full range of site building tools for our customers in India. GoDaddy WordPress Websites is designed to be an affordable and an easy way to create a powerful, scalable WordPress website.”

WordPress Websites also includes professionally built premium themes, and a Visual Page Editor for easy drag and drop customization. A key benefit of using WordPress, the world’s most popular tool for creating websites, is the ability to add new site features using the thousands of free WordPress plugins to create a customized website.