Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Gujarat are Innovation Frontrunners in India

The India State Innovation Report 2016 has revealed that Maharashtra Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Gujarat are the key forerunners of innovating new ideas in India. The report was based on a comprehensive assessment of the innovation environment at a state level.

The India State Innovation Report 2016 envisages and looks holistically at the innovation landscape of India. It broadly seeks to conceptualise, understand and look at the contours of India’s Innovation landscape. It also seeks to present a conclusion, remedial steps and changes required to enhance India’s innovation capability.

The report also has a State Innovation Index, which seeks to measure innovation environment across states in India. Categorisation is done on the index according to a stage of development with eleven indicators being used for building stage of development. At the top of the Index are states like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Gujarat. However, it must be said that these states also pale in comparison to states and regions globally which are deemed as innovation hotspots. These states have been innovative largely because some locations and cities within these states have become innovative.

Overall the index seems to tell that the innovation environment is strong regionally in south and western parts of India. Thus there seems to be a west-south and north-east divide. Delhi and Uttar Pradesh seem to be an exception to this rule and seem to be doing well on the Index. States in peninsular India seem to be doing well on innovation environment.

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